Walt Disney Animation Studios is premiering its very first virtual reality short film next month. Titled “Cycles,” the VR short “is an experimental film that centers around the true meaning of creating a home and the life it holds inside its walls.” The short is directed by Disney Animation’s Jeff Gipson, who was a lighting artist on films like “Moana” and “Zootopia.” “We wanted to create a story in this single place and be able to have the viewer witness life happening around them,” Gipson said in a statement provided to Variety. “It is an emotionally driven film, expressing the real ups and downs, the happy and sad moments in life.” The film will be a part of the Immersive Pavilion at SIGGRAPH 2018 in Vancouver, August 12–16.
Disney Animation's first ever VR short, #Cycles, will make its world debut at @siggraph 2018 in Vancouver. The experimental film, from director Jeff Gipson, centers around the true meaning of creating a home and the life it holds inside its walls. pic.twitter.com/WWJfOdz2vV
— Disney Animation (@DisneyAnimation) June 27, 2018