Demi Lovato is set to star in a new comedy project for NBC. The project is titled “Hungry.” It follows friends who belong to a food issues group as they help each other look for love, success and the perfect thing in the fridge that’s going to make it all better. Lovato who has been open about having an eating disorder is also set to executive produce the show.

FKA Twigs revealed more details about her allegedly abusive relationship with Shia LaBeouf on the BBC podcast Grounded with Louis Theroux. “I was told I knew what he was like, and if I loved him I wouldn’t look men in the eye, so that was my reality for a good four months towards the end of the relationship, that I wasn’t allowed to look men in the eye.” The two broke up in June 2019 after nearly a year of dating and Twigs filed a lawsuit against him for sexual battery. 

Spike Lee used his acceptance speech at the New York Film Critics Circle Awards to slam Donald Trump . “There’s no way possible to go before the iPhone and thank you guys without telling you what’s in my heart and soul as a descendent of slaves who helped build this country.” Lee said in his speech filmed January 6th the same day that rioters stormed the U.S. Capitol building. “This president, President Agent Orange, will go down in history with the likes of Hitler. These guys, all his boys, they are going down on the wrong side of history.”