George Clooney promised legal action over photos

George Clooney promises legal action over unauthorized photographs of his and Amal Clooney’s  twins. The photographs of Ella and Alexander Clooney were taken by photographers from a French magazine. “Over the last week photographers of Voici magazine scaled our fence, climbed our tree and illegally took pictures of our infants inside our home. Make no mistake the photographers, the agency and the magazine will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. The safety of our children demands it,” Clooney said in a statement. The photographs were taken at their home in Lake Como, Italy.

Reese Witherspoon and Jennifer Aniston have signed on to a new HBO project. The new project which is currently untitled is reportedly about two woman researching television morning shows in New York City. The two are longtime friends and Witherspoon played Aniston’s little sister on Friends.

Chester Bennington’s widow, Talinda released a statement about his death a week after the Linkin Park frontman died by suicide. “One week ago, I lost my soulmate and my children lost their hero – their Daddy, “ she wrote. “How do I move on? How do I pick up my shattered soul? The only answer I know is to raise our babies with every ounce of love I have left. I want to let my community and the fans worldwide know that we feel your love. We feel your loss as well.”