Today is BOTH National Burrito Day and National Deep Dish Pizza Day. A human can only eat so many meals in a 24-hour period, so we’ll all have to make some sacrifices.
Though there don’t seem to be any good deals to honor National Burrito Day (where ya at Chipotle and Moe’s?!?), the impulse to celebrate by indulging in a massive burrito is still strong. Check local spots for deals, or head to Chuy’s to do some good as you munch – they’re donating a dollar to St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital for every “Big As Yo Face” burrito they sell today.
National Deep Dish Pizza Day seems to be a bit more lucrative, with BJ’s Restaurants pairing with DoorDash to bring a free mini deep dish pizza straight to customers’ doors (today only!) using promo code DEEPDISH at checkout. DoorDash will also offer a free week of delivery on all BJ’s orders from April 6-12. And for those of you lucky enough to be in Chicago, the very home of deep dish – well, we’re pretty jealous, so please use this opportunity wisely.
Go forth and feast, everyone.